1:1 Private Coaching (4 - 45min sessions)
Here at O.W.A.S we believe in a tailored curriculum for our students of every level. Whether you are a beginner that isn’t quite ready for our intermediate and advanced level classes or you are an advanced actor with specific needs, our 1 on 1 private coaching package includes 4 sessions that are customized just for you. The package begins with a complimentary prerequisite consultation call (30 minutes), followed by a self-tape submission from the student that guides our instructors as they build your specific curriculum. Because this style of coaching is completely customed to your needs, here are a few examples of what your curriculum could look like:
A Beginner Seeking Essence Building:
Week 1: Understanding Meisner Technique
Week 2: Taking FULL control of the audition room
Week 3: Audition Creating for Film/TV & Commercial
Week 4: Perfecting your Self-tape setup
Preparation for a Role You Have An Audition For (Advanced)
Week 1: Shallow Water Dive into Meisner Techniques
Week 2: Character Choice Exploration
Week 3: Understanding Stanislavski Techniques within a scene
Week 4: Blocking for Film/TV in Character
Some of our 1:1 Private Coaching Packages Include:
Essence Building for the Beginner & Advanced Actor
Preparation for Performing Arts School
Commercial Acting for Beginners and Advanced Actors
Understanding Meisner Techniques
Monologue Therapy
On-camera Acting Brush-up
Perfecting the Art of Self-taping
Here at O.W.A.S we believe in a tailored curriculum for our students of every level. Whether you are a beginner that isn’t quite ready for our intermediate and advanced level classes or you are an advanced actor with specific needs, our 1 on 1 private coaching package includes 4 sessions that are customized just for you. The package begins with a complimentary prerequisite consultation call (30 minutes), followed by a self-tape submission from the student that guides our instructors as they build your specific curriculum. Because this style of coaching is completely customed to your needs, here are a few examples of what your curriculum could look like:
A Beginner Seeking Essence Building:
Week 1: Understanding Meisner Technique
Week 2: Taking FULL control of the audition room
Week 3: Audition Creating for Film/TV & Commercial
Week 4: Perfecting your Self-tape setup
Preparation for a Role You Have An Audition For (Advanced)
Week 1: Shallow Water Dive into Meisner Techniques
Week 2: Character Choice Exploration
Week 3: Understanding Stanislavski Techniques within a scene
Week 4: Blocking for Film/TV in Character
Some of our 1:1 Private Coaching Packages Include:
Essence Building for the Beginner & Advanced Actor
Preparation for Performing Arts School
Commercial Acting for Beginners and Advanced Actors
Understanding Meisner Techniques
Monologue Therapy
On-camera Acting Brush-up
Perfecting the Art of Self-taping

Here at O.W.A.S we believe in a tailored curriculum for our students of every level. Whether you are a beginner that isn’t quite ready for our intermediate and advanced level classes or you are an advanced actor with specific needs, our 1 on 1 private coaching package includes 4 sessions that are customized just for you. The package begins with a complimentary prerequisite consultation call (30 minutes), followed by a self-tape submission from the student that guides our instructors as they build your specific curriculum. Because this style of coaching is completely customed to your needs, here are a few examples of what your curriculum could look like:
A Beginner Seeking Essence Building:
Week 1: Understanding Meisner Technique
Week 2: Taking FULL control of the audition room
Week 3: Audition Creating for Film/TV & Commercial
Week 4: Perfecting your Self-tape setup
Preparation for a Role You Have An Audition For (Advanced)
Week 1: Shallow Water Dive into Meisner Techniques
Week 2: Character Choice Exploration
Week 3: Understanding Stanislavski Techniques within a scene
Week 4: Blocking for Film/TV in Character
Some of our 1:1 Private Coaching Packages Include:
Essence Building for the Beginner & Advanced Actor
Preparation for Performing Arts School
Commercial Acting for Beginners and Advanced Actors
Understanding Meisner Techniques
Monologue Therapy
On-camera Acting Brush-up
Perfecting the Art of Self-taping
“I started working with Olander just to work on public speaking and small monologue bits for my roofing company. Needless to say, I never knew the technicalities that it took to properly deliver sentences. I’m no actor by far but his monologue training surely help me pitch my company to a plethora of people”
D. Vontrae